A Plan for Entrepreneurs
1 in 3 Americans Have $0 Saved for Retirement
Additional Resources
Want to see if a SEP IRA is good for you?
Check out the benefits
See how systematic investing and compounding can affect the value of your investment over time:
Time Value Calculator
Find out how much you can save for retirement in your retirement plan:
Tax Fast Facts
Investment Options
We believe a sound diversification strategy aligned with your goals is the foundation of long-term investing success.
Option 1: Invest with Target Date Portfolios
Explore One Choice® Target Date Portfolios designed specifically for retirement investing. Simply find a fund based upon your birth year and future retirement date. Your money will be automatically diversified in up to 16 funds in a single investment.
Explore One Choice® Target Date Portfolios
Key Benefits
Instant, broad diversification
Professionally and actively managed
Adjusts to grow more conservative
Learn more about Target Date Portfolios
One Choice® Target Date Portfolios Offered:
One Choice® In Retirement Portfolio
Birth Year: 1957 or earlier
Retirement Year at Age 65: 2022 or earlier
Birth Year: 1958 - 1962
Retirement Year at Age 65: 2023 - 2027
Birth Year: 1963 - 1967
Retirement Year at Age 65: 2028 - 2032
Birth Year: 1968 - 1972
Retirement Year at Age 65: 2033 - 2037
Birth Year: 1973 - 1977
Retirement Year at Age 65: 2038 - 2042
Birth Year: 1978 - 1982
Retirement Year at Age 65: 2043 - 2047
Birth Year: 1983 - 1987
Retirement Year at Age 65: 2048 - 2052
Birth Year: 1988 - 1992
Retirement Year at Age 65: 2053 - 2057
Birth Year: 1993 - 1997
Retirement Year at Age 65: 2058 - 2062
Birth Year: 1998 and after
Retirement Year at Age 65: 2063 and after
Option 2: Build Your Own Portfolio
Research your portfolio from our complete list of actively managed mutual funds.
IRS Circular 230 Disclosure: American Century Companies, Inc. and its affiliates do not provide tax advice. Accordingly, any discussion of U.S. tax matters contained herein (including any attachments) is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, in connection with the promotion, marketing or recommendation by anyone unaffiliated with American Century Companies, Inc. of any of the matters addressed herein or for the purpose of avoiding U.S. tax-related penalties.
This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as tax advice. Please consult your tax advisor for more detailed information or for advice regarding your individual situation.
This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended as a personalized recommendation or fiduciary advice. There are different options available for your retirement plan investments. You should consider all options before making a decision. Our representatives can help you evaluate all of your distribution options.
Diversification does not assure a profit nor does it protect against loss of principal.
ADP, LLC, ADP Broker-Dealer, Inc., and their affiliates (collectively, "ADP") and American Century Investment Services, Inc. and its affiliates (collectively, "American Century") are independent contractors. Nothing in the following materials or agreements should be construed to create or provide for any other relationship between ADP and American Century, including but not limited to joint venture or partnership. Neither ADP nor its affiliates provide investment or tax advice to participants, alternate payees or beneficiaries (collectively, "Participants") in retirement plans to which they provide recordkeeping or administrative services ("Retirement Plans"), nor serve in a fiduciary capacity with respect to Retirement Plans.