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American Century Investments U.K. Tax Strategy

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American Century Investment Management (UK) Limited and its affiliates (collectively the “Company”) is publishing this strategy statement to satisfy the statutory obligation under paragraph 16(2) of Schedule 19 of the Finance Act 2016 (the “Act”). The Act requires all large businesses operating in the U.K. to publish a Tax Strategy Statement. This strategy applies to taxes in the U.K. and will be reviewed and updated as appropriate on an annual basis.

Tax Risk Management and Governance

The Company complies with the U.K. tax laws including filing tax returns and making tax payments in accordance with statutory timelines. The Company maintains processes and controls to identify and manage tax risks. The Company’s tax department is responsible for tax oversight and support.

Tax Planning

In structuring its tax affairs, the Company considers the applicable tax laws while maximizing value to our shareholders. Any tax planning undertaken will have commercial and economic substance.

The Company conducts intra-group transactions on an arm’s length basis.

Tax Risk

The Company manages its tax risks by employing qualified tax professionals. External professional tax advice may be sought to assist with assessing tax risk of a particular transaction or issue. The Company uses a reputable professional firm to assist with meeting its tax compliance responsibilities.

Dealing with the HMRC

The Company seeks to engage with the tax authorities in an honest, transparent and constructive manner. The Company would seek to resolve any disputes through pro-active discussion and negotiation with the HMRC.