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Allows centralized processing of purchase, redemption and exchange orders, settlement and account registration.
An automated recordkeeping system that allows non-trade related activity, such as account establishment, maintenance, transfers, position, activity and dividend files.
Automated Customer Account Transfer Service (ACATS)
ACATS was developed to address the industry's need to reduce delays and inconsistencies associated with manual processing. American Century Investments® participates only in ACATS-Fund/SERV and allows for the re-registration of its mutual fund shares but does not participate in the transfer of other security types.
Transfer-in-Kind (TIK) through ACATS
TIK through ACATS-Fund/SERV improves the process for transferring assets between brokers, banks, and mutual fund companies by using the National Securities Clearing Corporation's (NSCC) ACATS-Fund/SERV functionality.
Transfer of Retirement Assets (ToRA)
ToRA transfers retirement assets between two mutual fund companies. American Century Investments® NSCC-eligible funds have been activated for ToRA processing with the exception of our Learning Quest® business. Please note that SIMPLEs, SARSEPs, and any TRAC accounts are not ToRA eligible.
Mutual Fund Profile Service I & II (MFPS)
MFPS is an automated service to communicate and store non-transactional information to and from fund companies and their distributors. Information available on MFPS includes daily prices and rates (MFPS I), and data on securities, participants and distributions (MFPS II). This information is available to current NSCC participants.
DST Systems
DST Vision®
DST's interactive website provides real-time look up functionality providing financial intermediaries with complete client account access on a daily basis.
American Century Investments® statements are available through Vision.
DST Vision HomeOffice®
Vision HomeOffice is a website designed for the broker/dealer and trust company home office. It provides numerous operational tools to facilitate self-servicing, streamline daily operations, and address compliance challenges.
DST FANMail allows client account information from many different mutual fund companies to be electronically downloaded 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Electronic Fee Statements & Payments
American Century Investments® now provides a fast, efficient and cost effective way for your firm to receive 12b-1 and other trailer payments statements and payments.
Enroll using the Electronic Statement and Payment Authorization Form. Completed forms may be returned by fax to 1-800-378-2011 or an image of the form can emailed to [email protected].
NSCC members have the option of receiving payment and details through Commission Settlement. Contact the Payments Team at [email protected] or call toll-free at 1-877-923-6887 for more information.